Tag Archives: Above Ground Pools

Salt Water for All Pool Owners

Salt Chlorine Generator for Above Ground Pool
Saltwater pools have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many pool owners are opting for the softer, gentler water produced by salt chlorine generators. Your water will be silky smooth and you can stop spending money on traditional pool chemicals. Many in ground pools are already equipped with this technology, but above ground pool owners can ALSO have salt water pools. Above ground chlorine generators have become an affordable and usable solution for many pool owners. They are easy to install and cost less than $300. No more red eyes, skin irritation, or handling harsh chemicals again. All you add is salt! Convert your above ground pool before the next swimming season and be prepared to be amazed by the difference!

Don’t Get Bugged by Spring Pool Cleaning

Hayward Aqua Bug Automatic Pool Cleaner

If you own a manual pool cleaner for your above ground pool, then you will agree that spring cleaning is one of the worst parts of getting the pool ready to open each season.  Automatic pool cleaners are often pricey, so many pool owners opt for the manual variety and the extra effort.

An affordable option that above ground pool owners should consider is the Aqua Bug automatic pool cleaner by Hayward.  The Aqua Bug installs easily in ten minutes and works with the existing filtration system.  Unlike other automatic pool cleaners, the Aqua bug uses no debris bags, requires no booster pump, and is pretty cute, too.

Splasher Pools Offer Affordable Fun!

Splasher Pools

Owning a pool might seem out of reach for some people. While the maintenance doesn’t present a problem, the initial investment can seem daunting! Even for most above ground pools, you can easily spend thousands of dollars to get a pool up and running. If owning a pool has always been your dream, but you are on a budget, a splasher pool is perfect for you! Splasher Pools are always affordable, but with the blowout sales currently happening, you can get one for a super low price! They are easy to install and come with a built-in filtration system, vinyl liner, and ladder. The available twelve, fifteen, and eighteen foot round pools even have affordable shipping so they are an all around great deal! Now you can give yourself and your family the backyard fun that you have always wanted without breaking the bank.

The Perfect Robotic Pool Cleaner for Above Ground Pools

Aquabot Pool Rover Above Ground Pool Cleaner
The thought of cleaning your pool next spring can be a daunting task. No matter how well you winterized, spring cleaning will still be necessary. Now is the perfect time to invest in a new pool cleaner to make spring opening a breeze. Robotic pool cleaners are an amazing choice for pool owners. They are basically little computers on wheels! They will know where and when to clean with little or no manual labor. Did you know that robotic models are available for all pools, including above ground? The Aquabot Pool Rover is a robotic pool cleaner designed exclusively for above ground pools. Complete with its own drive motor and filtration system, it works independently of your pool’s return lines. You simply plug it in and watch it go to work. It is perfect for removing all dirt and debris, and it also works for algae and bacteria. It cleans most above ground pools, including flat, dished, oval, round, and rectangular, in under one hour while reducing the amount of time that your normal filter has to work. You cannot go wrong with this cleaner. You will have sparkling clean water in no time this spring!

Getting Kids Involved in Pool Safety Can Be Fun

Practice Pool Safety

Keeping kids safe around swimming pools means helping them understand what activities and behaviors are acceptable and fun, and which ones are unsafe and to be avoided.  A smart way to prepare for the upcoming swimming season is to take time now to work with kids on pool safety issues.

A fun approach to pool safety can be found with kid-friendly activities on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Pool Safely website.  The CPSC’s Pool Safely campaign aims to increase pool safety awareness by providing information to families, industry professionals, and state and local officials.

With help from parents, even the youngest tots can start to learn how to stay safe around swimming pools at home and at public facilities.  Adults should never assume, though, that older kids know how to recognize pool dangers.  Making sure kids of all ages understand the dangers that exist around swimming pools will empower them to make the right choices.  And, thanks to the CPSC’s Pool Safely campaign, learning about pool safety can be fun.