Tag Archives: Pool Signs

Pool Accessories For Summer

Pool Caddy Pool Side Organizer
Check out our selection of pool accessories that will help you start summer off right! We carry all of this, and much more, at BYCP!

  • Pool Alarms, which alert you to large objects breaking the pool’s surface
  • Pool Fountains that add elegance and charm to your pool
  • Maintenance Equipment, such as brushes and nets
  • Pool Lights, for dazzling decoration and function
  • Outdoor Clocks and Thermometers
  • Anti-Entrapment devices which provide safety
  • Pool Signs with safety message, clever reminders, etc.
  • Pool-side organizers

New Pool Signs for Safety, Humor, and Practicality!

Now is a great time to make sure that your swimming pool signs are up to date. Use them to post pool or spa rules, add humor for your guests, or state that your pool is closed for the season. Here are a few of our favorites!

Pool Closed
Swimming Pool Closed Sign

Spa Warning Sign
Spa Warning Sign

No Skinny Dipping Sign
No Skinny Dipping Sign

No “P” in the OOL Sign

Keep the P and Poo Out of Your Pool: Tips for Healthy Pools

Pool Signs

Pool signs, like the one above, are a funny way to remind those who swim in our pools that the pool water is not a bathroom.  Contamination of water, though, can be a serious problem.  If a pool’s pH level is out of balance, the chlorine is unable to effectively kill harmful germs that are introduced into the water by swimmers.  Everything from dirt to sun to leaves and other debris can alter the pH level of pool water, so checking the pH level on a regular basis and adjusting the chemical balance as necessary is a crucial step in maintaining a healthy pool.

In addition to ensuring that there are always correct levels of chemicals in your pool’s water, you should insist that all swimmers follow these three rules to avoid contaminating the pool water:

  • Never swim when you are sick.  Germs can be spread to others in the pool.
  • Avoid swallowing pool water or getting water in your mouth.
  • Keep yourself clean.  Take a shower and soap up before taking a swim, and don’t forget to wash your hands after going to the bathroom or changing a diaper.  Even the smallest amount of contamination on your body can be transferred to pool water and cause illness in others.

(Source: Centers for Disease Control)

Being a diligent pool owner will help prevent the spread of germs and illnesses and keep your swimming pool a healthy place for everyone to enjoy.

Use the following easy-to-read charts when determining proper chemical balance and adjusting pH levels:

Outline Pool Rules (And Have A Bit Of Fun) With Pool Signs

No Diving SignEmergency SignShower Pool SignPee Pool SignNo Running SignSkinny Dipping Sign

All pool owners, residential and commercial, have rules that they expect their pool guests to obey. “No running”, “no diving”, and “swim at your own risk” are all normal pool rules. Reminding guests not use your pool as a bathroom is also a good idea. You can make sure that these rules are posted with Commercial and Residential Swimming Pool Signs. Whether you want a simple outline of the rules or a touch of humor to amuse your guests, you can find the right sign to fit your pool area. There are signs with illustrated pictures of life saving techniques and phone numbers that are perfect for emergencies. There are signs that remind guests to shower before entering the pool. There are even signs that humorously outline rules for skinny dipping! You can ensure the safety of your guests, and have a little fun, with the right pool signs!