Give Dad a Gift That Really Sucks (Dirt, That Is)

Dad Needs a Robotic Pool Cleaner

What’s the absolute worst job when it comes to maintaining a swimming pool?  Ask one hundred pool-owning Dads this question, and you’re sure to hear “cleaning the darn thing” as the top answer.  Yes, owning a pool is sheer luxury and fun… when you don’t have to do the regular job of scrubbing and vacuuming to keep the dirt and debris under control.  This job, unfortunately, usually falls onto Dad’s shoulders.

Robotic Pool CleanersLuckily, you can dazzle a pool-cleaning Dad (your own or someone else’s) with the gift of a Robotic Pool Cleaner, which does all the cleaning by itself.  Robotic pool cleaners scrub and vacuum just about every inch of a swimming pool without much guidance or effort by Dad.  He can just sit back and sip a cool drink while the pool cleaner does its thing.  Paradise!

The best gift to give any Dad is the gift of relaxation.  Offer him a double-whammy of a gift that lets him relax while the work gets done, and Dad can enjoy the best Father’s Day ever.  Happy Father’s Day, Dads!

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