Pool Critter Escape Ramp
Allows small animals the chance to escape from your swimming pool on their own
Place one of more Critter Escape Ramps around your pool deck to offer small animals a quick escape route. Small creatures usually swim toward the edge of the pool if they fall into the water. They will circle around the edge of the pool looking for a way out. Once the bump into the Critter Escape Ramp they will climb out on their own.
The Escape Ramp can minimize bacteria from animal waste because they will be safe and sound on your pool deck instead of being trapped in your pool skimmer. Fill the weighted pillow with once scoop of sand, pea gravel or dirt and lay it on your pool deck to keep the Floating Ramp Pillow in place. Use multiple ramps for larger pools, can even be used in ponds, hot tubs or fountains.
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Last Updated: 09/12/2024 02:10 PM - ID:5698