Outdoor Misting Fan
Misting Fans help beat the heat and improve your outdoor experience.
One of the most popular spots at the zoo or amusement park on hot summer days is not necessarily one of the main attractions. It’s the misting stations that draw in a consistent crowd eager to feel cool and refreshed before moving onto the next wild animal or wild ride. Creating your own personal misting station is much easier, much more pleasant, and much less expensive than spending hot summer days with the family at a pricey zoo or park. The way to accomplish this is with a misting fan.
Misting fans bring together the refreshing mist of water with the cool breeze generated by a fan. This combination cools more effectively than just mist or just a fan alone. In fact, a misting fan can reduce the surrounding air temperature by as much as 30 degrees, making it possible to feel comfortable on your back patio or deck even on the hottest days. Better quality misting fans are able to cool an area 200 square feet or more in size, which makes the misting fan ideal not only for home use, but also for commercial and industrial use. Outdoor cafes, construction sites, and sporting events are just a few of the places where misting fans would be welcomed and appreciated.
When shopping for a misting fan for your home or workplace, there are a couple of features you will want to insist upon having. Most misting fans are mounted on top of a water reservoir, many of which can hold anywhere from 5 to 10 gallons of water. Better misting fans, no matter what the capacity, should be able to run, when starting with a full reservoir, up to 4 or 5 hours long without needing a refill. Additionally, be sure to choose a misting fan that comes with attached, locking wheels or a convenient cart so that it is easy to move and store away.
Optional features are available that can enhance the quality of your misting fan experience. For example, some misting fans have variable speeds, allowing you more control. Another particularly handy feature in a misting fan is a telescoping post that allows the fan to be adjusted easily for height. Also, some fans oscillate to more efficiently distribute the cooling mist in the surrounding area.
No matter what features you choose, having your own misting fan at home or work can significantly improve your level of comfort, even on the hottest of days. Because they provide so much relief from the heat, misting fans at home can help you enjoy your patio or deck more fully, and at work, misting fans can increase your productivity and make working outdoors much more pleasant.